The Police
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Come and meet your local officers : Fri 14 Mar 12:00

Good evening all,

PCSO Gardner and PCSO Jones will be at Llanrumney HUB at 12:00 hours on Friday the 14th of March. Please feel free to come and have a chat, they will be happy to answer any questions you may have or assist with any issues in the community.


Nos da i gyd,

Bydd PCSO Gardner a SCCH Jones yn Hyb Llanrhymni am 12:00 o'r gloch ddydd Gwener 14 Mawrth. Mae croeso i chi ddod i gael sgwrs, byddant yn hapus i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gennych neu helpu gydag unrhyw faterion yn y gymuned.

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Message Sent By
Kyle Gardner
(South-Wales Police, PCSO, Rumney NPT)

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