On Tuesday 11th March 2025, between the hours of 09:00-12:00hrs, there was a burglary to a garage, in Gilders, Sawbridgeworth. Offender(s) have gained access to a a garage, by going through a side gate and into a door, on the side of the garage. No damage has been caused to the door, in order to gain access. Once entry has been gained to the garage, the offender(s) have taken a motor cross bike. Offender(s) have then left the location, with the motor cross bike, in an unknown direction.
If you have any information or CCTV footage, regarding this crime, then please contact the police, on the non-emergency number 101, quoting the crime reference number 41/23291/25. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously, on 0800 555 111.
Please be vigilant and do report any suspicious activity in your local area.
Check downstairs windows and doors are securely locked before you leave or go to bed. · Use a “Fake TV” or timer switches on lamps to give the impression someone is at home. · Don’t leave keys, phones or other valuables on window sills or in any other visible place. · Secure UPVC doors by lifting the handle and locking it to engage the security features. · Consider using a doorbell camera, interior camera or a monitored burglar alarm. · Securely lock rear gates, sheds and garages. · Keep tools and ladders locked away, as they could be used to break into your home. · Secure mobile devices by downloading tracking software from your app store. · Don't keep large amounts of cash at home, keep photos of your valuable items for investigation and insurance purposes, · Leave lights on in the property. If you are out for longer periods of time invest in timer switches. · Ensure all windows and doors are secure and locked. Install a 'dusk to dawn' exterior light, also leave a radio on
For more detailed advice, including a printable Home Security Self-Assessment, please visit the “Protect Your Home” section of our website: www.herts.police.uk/protectyourhome | ||||
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