Officers from the Kirkby Neighbourhood Policing Team will be holding beat surgeries on the following dates. AMEMONA SWEETS, 1 STATION STREET, KIRKBY IN ASHFIELD NG177AQ on 26th March 2025 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm Please feel free to pop down and say hello. This is an opportunity to meet members of your local policing team and discuss any issues you may have regarding crime or antisocial behaviour in your neighbourhood
Crimes reported over the past seven days. Burglary Dwelling Nothing to report Burglary Other Overnight Sunday 9 to Monday 10 March in Main Road, Underwood, a report that 30/40 Allotment sheds had been broken into. Locks cut off the doors being left on the ground. We are not sure at this time if anything was stolen. Theft of motor vehicle Nothing to Report Theft from motor vehicle At some time before 1.34pm on Monday 10 March in Clover Street, Kirkby in Ashfield, an unlocked car, parked outside the Freestyle Trampoline Park, was entered and a bag and purse searched. A bank card was stolen. Theft Nothing to Report Criminal Damage Within the last few weeks in Wollaton Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, the outer glass pane of a double glazed front bedroom window was smashed. At 6.55pm on Friday 7 March in Mosley Road, Annesley, a car or van hit the corner of a house causing damage to the metal trim and rendering on the side of the building. Between 8.30am and 9.30am on Monday 10 March in Mosley Road, Annesley, the paintwork on the rear off side wheel arch of a blue Volvo V70 estate was “keyed”. At 10.41pm on Tuesday 11 March in Bannerman Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, a brick was thrown through a front window. Two males, in dark clothing and with hoods up, were seen running away towards Southwell Lane. ASB Between 10.58am and 11.58am on Friday 7 March in Arthur Green Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield, a report of a noisy scrambler bike being ridden in the avenue. At least four times within the hour. At 7.57pm on Friday 7 March in Beacon Drive, Kirkby in Ashfield, a report of a group of around 20 people, of all ages, constantly revving the engines of their motorbikes. At 6.27pm on Saturday 8 March in Lindley’s Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield a report of three bikes, two normal motorbikes and one a dirt bike, being ridden around really fast, very noisy and continually revving the engines. The riders were all males wearing black clothing and no helmets. At 6.38pm on Saturday 8 March in Church Lane, Selston, a report of a silver Vauxhall Corsa car parked at the roadside covered in blankets. A homeless male and female were living in the car and had thrown loads of litter out into the road. At 3.12pm on Sunday 9 March in Lord Morven Park, Morven Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, a report of a white motorbike with blue and red markings and no number plate racing around the park. It was also being ridden on the pavements and paths by two riders who were wearing dark clothing and balaclavas. At 8.54pm on Wednesday 12 March in Vernon Road, Kirkby in Ashfield, a report of three youths, aged 15/17 years causing issues outside a shop, kicking an ATM cash machine and knocking on the shop windows.
Or do you have any CCTV footage that may be of help? If so, please contact the Ashfield District Neighbourhood Policing Team by e-mail at ashfieldNPT@Notts.Police.uk or you can contact the police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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