Neighbourhood Watch
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Guildford  CRU 480         7th to 13th March 2025

This message has specifically been sent to Guildford NW co-ordinators and their deputies, but not their scheme members or the community. Please share as you feel appropriate


Crime Vehicle 

45250029399                   12/3/2024   00:46  - 00:49

Joseph’s Road

A male was seen walking along Joseph’s Road breaking off parked vehicle wing mirrors as he went.


ASB Personal 

45250027824                   8/3/2024   21:40  - 22:40

Deeprose Close

The front door of a property was kicked by a group of unknown males aged about 16 or 17. This was caught on some CCTV footage and the motive is most likely to be a youngster’s website dare.

ASB Nuisance 

45250028247                   9/3/2024   21:40  - 21:39

South Road

There is an ongoing ASB issue of many different types being caused by individuals under special care from a council property care home. Loud shouting much of the time is one of the main complaints.


ASB Nuisance 

45250026521                   10/10/2024    -  5/3/2025

Compass Rose Road

A resident has reported an ongoing occurrence that periodically in their area 2 mopeds enter the estate in the early morning, driving around, revving their engines and waking members of their household. The registration of one of the bikes has already been reported and has now been seized, as it was uninsured.
Ash Green


45250028579                   8/3/2025  14:53    -   14:54

Old Cross Tree Way

A male has been caught on Ring CCTV footage removing new copper tubing from a front garden and putting in a commercial van marked up ‘Bouncy Rainbow’ giving supposed contact details, except that it is a fake website address and false phone numbers. Also taken from the front garden was a workman’s work bench.



45250026814        5/3/2025    23:45 -  6/3/2025  03:00

Coltsfoot Drive

A security light was broken and a locked shed door was levered open causing the door frame to break.

From inside the shed a Whyte sky blue E160S V2/m e-bike was taken. The value of the bike was about £3000.

Crime Vehicle 

45250026689        5/3/2025    21:00 -  6/3/2025  07:00

A parked car was accessed by unknown means and rummaged through leaving any unwanted items in the footwell. The boot lid was left open and there was no signs of a forced entry to the car. 



45250028793        10/3/2025    19:04 -  19:12 


Garden furniture was used by a burglar to get on to the roof of an outbuilding. From the roof it was possible to break a window and gain internal access. From this entry point an immediate search took place for gold and diamond jewellery in the master bedroom. It is unknown what has been stolen as yet.

Holmbury St Mary


45250027987                    15/2/2025   20:00  -  16/2/2025  - 07:00      
Felday Glade

Although a garage was accessed, it is not clear if anything was taken. However, CCTV has captured images of a male which prove of interest.



45250027925                    7/3/2025   00:00  -  03:30      
Shere Road

The property’s main gate was forced open and access to the rear garden was made via the back gate. 

 A garden shed door was forced open and a strimmer and a leaf blower were found and taken.


Crime Vehicle 

45250028368                    10/3/2025   08:25  
Hurtmore Road
Front and rear registration plates were stolen from a parked vehicle.


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Message Sent By
Anthony Fielding
(NWN, MSA, Surrey, Waverley and Guildford)

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