The Police
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Happy Purim!

Good Evening All, 

To those that will be celebrating Purim over the next 3 days, I just wanted to wish you all a very happy Purim from myself and the rest of the Salford North Neighbourhood Team. I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable time with family and friends.


There is going to be traffic management in place with signage and staff to enforce the one way system as seen in the attached picture. Please adhere to the signage, it is there for the safety of all who are out in the street celebrating and is essential if traffic is to flow freely.


There will be an increased Police presence in the area throughout to make sure everyone is safe. Please don't hesitate to say hello!


Kind Regards,




PC 17705 Gary Fenwick

Broughton Park Neighbourhood Officer


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Message Sent By
Gary Fenwick
(Police, Constable, Salford North East - Broughton Park)

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