The Police
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Theft of a pedal cycle on St Peters Street, St Albans

Between 15:00pm and 15:30pm on Thursday 13th March victims had parked their Bicycles at the Bike Rack on St Peters Street and when they return they found both Bicycles had been taken. 

Have you noticed anyone or anything suspicious in the area or have any information that may be of use to the police regarding this crime which may assist us?

If so, please contact the police on the non-emergency number 101 and quote crime references  41/23833/25 and 41/23836/25.


Please be vigilant and report any suspicious activities in the area.

Ways to prevent anyone taking your Bike

1)Use quality strong locks, at least one of which is D-lock

2)Lock the frame and both wheels to a parking stand

3)secure your bike as close to the stand as possible to give any thieves little or no room to manoeuvre.

4)lock your bike at recognised secure cycle parking. It should be well lit and covered by CCTV.


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Message Sent By
Richmond Appau
(Hertfordshire Constabulary, PCSO, St Albans - Central, North & West)

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