The Police
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Policing events in Cambridge

Dear Resident,

We have a number of events coming up over the coming months.

Free bike marking:

  • 27 March Cambridge Guildhall 10am-2pm
  • 4 April Meadows Community Hub, Trumpington 10am-12pm
  • 11 April Cambridge Central Mosque 12pm-2pm
  • 16 April Wulfstan Way, Queen Ediths 3pm-5pm
  • 23 April Cambridge Train Station 4pm-8pm
  • 25 April Clay Farm, Trumpington 11am-1pm
  • 19 June Parkers Piece 11am-3pm
  • If you have a bike, bring it along to be marked for free. The process only takes a few minutes and follows the steps below: 

    1. Add your bike details to the national police-approved database 

    2. Mark and protect your bike with a security marking kit 

    3. Reduce the risk of theft by warning thieves that your bike is marked and increase the chances of you being reunited with it, if it happens to get stolen

    If you don't have a bike, we'd still love to meet you at one of the following Coffee with a Cop events:

    If you can't make it but have a concern to raise, tell us here.

  • 4 April Meadows Community Hub, Trumpington 10am-12pm
  • 11 April Cambridge Central Mosque 12pm-2pm
  • 16 April Wulfstan Way, Queen Ediths 3pm-5pm
  • 25 April Clay Farm, Trumpington 11am-1pm
  • Kind Regards,

    Cambridge Neighbourhood Policing Team

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    Message Sent By
    Tara Dundon
    (Police, Senior Communications Officer, All)

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