The Police
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Underage Drinking Concerns

Good afternoon,


We would like to raise the awareness again around the young people within our communities drinking alcohol underage!

We would like to raise this awareness to the parents within our community, to help us to safeguard our young people and to prevent any form of harm coming to them. 


Please ensure that any alcohol at home is not easily accessible to children to prevent them being able to take it out of the house and drink with their friends. 

Please report if you know of anyone purchasing alcohol for young people as this is a safeguarding concern and we need to be aware of this to ensure we take the appropriate actions immediately.


Your local safer neighbourhood team will continue to conduct their high-visibility foot patrols within our communities including all areas of interest for underage drinking. Should any young individuals be found under the influence of or in possession of alcohol, we shall take the appropriate safeguarding actions such as, completing social care/safeguarding referrals, stop searches and seizures of alcohol. We will also take these children home to parents should we need to to ensure they get home to parents safely.


Please report any concerns via the correct channels:

- Emergency 999

- Concern but non-emergency 101, however if anyone is in need of medical attention please phone 999 for an Ambulance.


Kind regards,

PCSO 12953 Annellei Hillman.


#communityengagement #matlocksnt #priorities


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Message Sent By
Annellei Hillman
(Police, PCSO, Derbyshire Dales)

  • Website - we have several crime reporting tools on our website or use our online contact form
  • Phone - call us on 101
  • Derbyshire Alert - reply to this message for non-urgent information you may wish to share
  • In an emergency ALWAYS call 999
  • If you are D/deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, text us on 07800 002414 or email deafsms@Derbyshire.police.uk for emergencies click here https://999bsl.co.uk to go through to an interpreter.

You can also anonymously contact the independent charity CrimeStoppers, on 0800 555 111, or by visiting the CrimeStopppers website

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