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NL63 Neighbourhood Update

Dear Neighbourhood Link Member,

Here is a update on neighbourhood policing in the NL63 neighbourhood. 

Crime Report

The team have had recent reports of a rise in anti-social behaviour (ASB) surrounding residential estates with parks. The beat team are currently working to identify those involved and deal with them appropriately. If you have experienced any ASB and have CCTV footage, please get in touch with one of the beat team.

We understand that antisocial behaviour (ASB) can cause distress. It can include inconsiderate behaviour, inappropriate vehicle use, graffiti and neighbourhood disputes.​
If you have witnessed antisocial behaviour of any kind, report it at http://leicspolice.link/1nUxT

What have the neighbourhood team been doing?

High visibility patrols targeted towards out beat priorities which are shop thefts, inconsiderate parking, and drugs. The team have been working hard to connect with supermarkets and schools to support them and work closely with them to tackle the issue. PCSO's Kane and Mia have recently been visiting schools based on the NL63 beat at school finish time, so if you see one of us please don't hesitate to say hello, and have a chat about any concerns. Feedback is also greatly appreciated and taken on board.

This is just a selection of what the neighbourhood team have been doing, we have also been completing crime investigations, visible patrolling including 'hot spot' areas and engaging with residents and businesses in the area. 

Upcoming Neighbourhood Consultations

  • You requested, and we delivered, the beat team will now be holding beat surgeries at St Marys' church in Nanpantan. A few of you mentioned you were unable to attend beat surgeries in Shelthorpe, so we will now be holding beat surgeries here for those of you who require them! Stay tuned for a date we will be there.
  • Neighbourhood consultations are a good opportunity to discuss your neighbourhood concerns and meet your local policing team.  Please come along and speak to us.

    Kind Regards,

    NL63 Neighbourhood Team


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    Message Sent By
    Mia Fortune
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6078, Charnwood)

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