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Yateley Common - Vehicular ASB

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Good afternoon!


This afternoon I arrived to start my duty at 1pm and headed straight to Yateley’s disused airfield where we’ve had so many reports of vehicular antisocial behaviour over the past few months.


On arrival I received a report from our control room of a quad bike being used despite the common land NOT being for off road vehicle use. 


As a vehicle user it is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that the vehicle has tax, MOT and insurance – and even so Yateley Common is not a space where these vehicles can be used. The below quad bike has therefore been seized under section 165 of the Road Traffic Act for being driven without insurance.


Whilst waiting for a recovery truck, I heard a passer-by walking with dogs and children – “They’re just having fun riding quad bikes, look at all the time that’s wasting, should go and catch some real criminals”.


The team here at Yateley Police Station know exactly what this community is asking us to do. Ask any resident of this area and they’ll tell you that off-road motorbike use on our common land is a massive problem and a priority for us to tackle, particularly in the summer months across the weekends.


So when we hear “look at all the time that’s wasting” – we’re wasting absolutely no time whatsoever keeping our green spaces safe for dog walkers, cyclists, and residents young and old who use our wonderful common land for leisure and exercise.


Vehicular antisocial behaviour will be dealt with as a priority throughout the summer – and any vehicles being used without insurance put EVERYONE at risk – the rider, passengers, and people around them. We’re asking – DON’T use these vehicles on our green spaces.


Stay safe,


PC 27999 Ben Blundell,

Designated Neighbourhood Officer for Yateley, Blackwater and Hawley.



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Message Sent By
Ben Blundell
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Yateley, Blackwater & Hawley)

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