The Police
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Horsham Residents Antisocial Behaviour Survey


Good evening Residents

Horsham's Neighbourhood Policing Team is working in collaboration with Horsham District Council's Community Safety Partnership and we want to understand more about the antisocial behaviour (ASB) you experience.

Your feedback will enable us to understand more about our your experiences of ASB directly and give you the opportunity to have your say. 

You can complete the survey here https://forms.office.com/e/C9M9JW9F9W or scan the QR code below



The feedback from your experiences provides police and Horsham's Community Safety Partnership with the opportunity to review current processes and support communities further. 


I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


Kind regards



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Message Sent By
Kelly James
(Police, District Engagement Officer, Adur, Worthing and Horsham)

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