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Weekly update - Henley

Dear Residents and Local Businesses,  


Here is your weekly update from your local neighbourhood Policing Team, to let you know some of what we've been busy dealing with: 



Officers have been carrying out patrols of the Henley areas on foot and in vehicles. We have been paying particular attention to locations that have recently experienced an increase in crime. 



Three people have been arrested by officers on the team for shoplifting offences from Asda at Brade Drive, One-Stop at Broad Park Road and at Co-Op on Woodway Lane.



We also have the following dates for community events:

28th March 2025 - Crime Prevention pop-up - Tesco, Crosspoint - 11am-12pm

28th March 2025 - Crime Prevention pop-up - UHCW - 12:30-1:30pm

29th March 2025 - Crime Prevention pop-up - Showcase Cinema, Crosspoint - 6:30pm-8pm



We are continuing to see vehicle crime in the Walsgrave area.  Some of which of which are tools being stolen from vans. We would encourage all traders to remove all tools from vans overnight and also keep your vans locked and alarmed during the day whilst in use.  

There has also been an increase in keyless vehicles being stolen. We recommend that owners of these vehicles use a steering wheel lock to prevent against theft.  

 You can find out more about vehicle crime prevention here: Theft of motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) and here: Theft from motor vehicle | Your Options | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk)  

Officers from our team have been attending these incidents and checking for CCTV



if you have information about people committing crime that you want to tell us about, you can contact us on the non-emergency telephone number 101 or by visiting us online at Home | West Midlands Police (west-midlands.police.uk) where you will find access to the LIVE CHAT facility. Alternatively you can contact the CRIMESTOPPERS charity anonymously by calling 0800 555 111. This is a free phone number. CRIMESTOPPERS can also be contacted online here: Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)   


Please do not report crime via WMnow because it is not always monitored.  


Kind Regards,  

The Henley & Longford Neighbourhood Policing Team  

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Message Sent By
Hannah Pritchard
(Police, PCSO, Henley and Longford)

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