The Police
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Welcome to bee in the loop

Hi Resident,

Firstly, thank you for joining Bee in the loop for the Hyde Godley area. There are 3 of us that cover the area, myself, PCSO 68989 Mantell, PC 18096 Smith and PC 19145 Asif.  If ever you have any questions or concerns you can contact the team as a whole through Bee in the Loop and we will get back to you as soon as possible.



The team use Bee in the loop to send you alerts of crimes, crime prevention advice, appeals for information, when we are holding police surgeries, community events and good work carried out in the area. 



The team attend many community events. If you are involved in a community activity, or club, drop us a message and we may be able to attend or publicise the event for you. 


The team hope that you will find this alert system useful. Though we have one favour to ask, that you this tell your family, friends and neighbours about Bee in the loop. The more people that are signed up, the more effective Bee in the loop will be.

That's all for now and as previously mentioned, send the team a message if you have any questions/queries.

Kind regards,


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Message Sent By
Andy Mantell
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Tameside South Neighbourhood Team - Hyde Godley Ward)

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