The Police
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Theft from Motor Vehicles, Carlton

North Yorkshire Police have received two reports of theft from motor vehicles in the village of Carlton.


One report occurred on Camm Lane between  00:00hrs on 19/03/2025 and  09:20hrs on 22/03/2025, small items and loose change were taken from within.


The second report occurred on Broadacres initially thought to be between 16:00hrs on 21/03/2025 and 10:00hrs on 22/03/2025, however CCTV enquiries have found activity on Broadacres by two males to be narrowed down to between the hours of 03:00hrs and 03:50hrs on 22/03/25 . Loose change and  a Satnav was stolen.


It is believed the two reports may be linked and NYP are also aware of reports in the Humberside Policing area of Goole.


Please be vigilant with vehicle security ensuring that cars and vans are locked at all times.


Please report any information including potential CCTV, ring doorbell or dashcam footage to NYP on tel 101 quoting 


Ref 12250050654 Camm Lane

Ref 12250050679 Broadacres.

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Message Sent By
Annie Newbould
(Police, PCSO, Selby)

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