Never leave your bags unattended, particularly on shopping trolleys, on seats, on the floor in changing rooms or public toilets. Be aware of people around you at all times. Carry your bag close to you with the clasp facing inwards. Keep it zipped up, and make sure your wallet or purse can’t be seen. Avoid carrying unnecessary valuables, documents containing personal information or large amounts of cash. Spring clean your handbag - imagine if precious personal items were lost - are they better stored at home? Spread your possessions about. For example consider keeping your mobile phone separate from your keys and your store/credit cards separate from your purse. Consider the use of a handbag/purse alarm - these are inexpensive and could alert you to someone trying to steal your purse or personal possessions. Never carry your PIN with your cards. Only take out what you need. Be vigilant! It only takes a moment for you to lose your belongings Report any suspicious activity to the police on 101- in an emergency dial 999 |