Neighbourhood Watch
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Burglary - Exmouth Road

A residential burglary occurred on Exmouth Road on Saturday 22nd March 25 at 20:35hrs.

The burgled property is on the odd number side in the area of Sheldon Drive.

The suspects entered the property via the rear garden and smashing the glass in the back door.

Initial enquires suggest there were 4 suspects all in dark clothing, baseball caps, hoods up and wearing face coverings. Apparently they made off  in a Black Merc SUV on Exmouth Road towards Barnstaple Road.

Crime ref 01/7296232/25

If you have any information that will help the police with their enquires please call 101 or crime stoppers on 0800 555 111

Then please pass on the information to Hillingdonnhw@gmail.com

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Message Sent By
Kevin Mepham
(NWN, MSA, London, Hillingdon)

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