Distraction burglaries are crimes where criminals trick or distract you to gain access to your home. Here’s how you can stay one step ahead: · Be Cautious with Strangers: If someone you don’t know knocks on your door, don’t feel pressured to let them in. Always check their credentials—genuine callers won’t mind waiting. · Use a Door Chain: Keep a door chain or spyhole in place while talking to unexpected visitors. This gives you an added layer of security. · Verify Their Identity: Utility workers or officials should carry identification. Call their company directly (using a number you find independently) to confirm their visit. · Don’t Be Distracted: If someone asks for help, such as fetching water or checking something outside, stay vigilant. This can be a ploy to gain access to your home. · Trust Your Instincts: If something doesn’t feel right, it’s okay to turn people away. Your safety comes first. · Inform Vulnerable Neighbours: Share this advice with elderly or vulnerable members of your community, as they’re often targeted by distraction burglars. |