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Westcotes Weekly Update

Good Evening


Please see below update from Sgt Williams for this week:


The team has referred another vulnerable resident to Changing Futures, which is a UK initiative to improve the lives of adults facing disadvantages.


We’ve continued in our effort to prevent empty addresses being used to facilitate crime and have had another one secured this week.


Following a thorough investigation, the team reunited stolen property with its owner which is always one of the most rewarding parts of the job.


We have started the incremental approach with a problematic person on our beat as a first step towards preventing his antisocial behaviour.


Another suspect was arrested on an outstanding warrant for failing to appear at court.


The team has been working with our partners in BTP in a joint approach to deal with an illegal encampment.


You may have seen our PCSO’s at one of their many beat surgeries, see our website for details of when and where these are and come along for a chat.


As always, the team has been out responding to your concerns so please keep them coming in so we can direct our efforts in the places that matter to you.


Stay safe and enjoy your weekend.


The Westcotes Team 

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Matt Eld
(Leicestershire Police, PC 557, Central Leicester)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials