The Police
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A message to all communities

Dear Resident, 

Following reports of business burglaries across the county, we need your help as the eyes and ears to report anything suspicious. 


Here are some of the signs to look out for:


  • Any unknown vehicles along your street at night 
  • Anyone with large tools that are close by to a shop or business 
  • Loud noises in the middle of the night 
  • Anyone acting suspiciously or wearing dark clothing 

    Are you a shop keeper? Find our more on how to keep the burglars at bay here.


    Most importantly if you see something that doesn't look right, then it probably isn't. 


    Always call 999 in an emergency.


    Alternatively, you can report a crime on our website here. 

    Kind Regards, 

    Annabelle Mullee 

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    Message Sent By
    Annabelle Mullee
    (Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Communications Assistant, Cambridgeshire)

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