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illegal motorbikes - We need your help.

In Tamworth, illegal motorbikes are one of the main concerns for residents in regards to the ASB incidents reported.

Offenders are using motorbikes, scooters, quad bikes in and around various estates causing members of the public harassment alarm and distress.


Please can the residents of Tamworth help us identify those responsible by informing us what addresse(s) these are returning to.  

You can relay this information anonymously via Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (crimestoppers-uk.org)

or via Home | Staffordshire Police


Alternatively please call 101 or use the LiveChat feature on the website which will allow you to communicate directly with the Force Control Room.


Tamworth police require this information to have a significant impact of this type of anti-social behaviour.  Our intention is to take positive action against all offending parties which will include parents who are allowing these behaviours.


Our response:

. That offenders are dealt with appropriately and robustly – to reduce reoffending

. Seize illegal motorbikes at every opportunity we have

. To significantly reduce the motorbike-related antisocial behaviour in Tamworth

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Message Sent By
Ross Enefer
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Tamworth)

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