The Police
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Hundreds of e-scooters have been seized by Derbyshire Constabulary since Christmas.


And here in Mercia, local residents have expressed umbrage about their illegal use and presence on pavements, paths and roads.


E-scooters are classified as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act (1998). This means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters, including the need to have a licence and insurance.


It is not possible to get insurance for a privately-owned e-scooter and this means they are illegal to use on roads, parks or in a public place.


A number of pedestrians have been injured following unwanted collisions with e-scooters across the country.


Last week, in a rural village, your local safer neighbourhood team officer seized an e-scooter.


And recently, a man has been charged under drug driving laws, after he was spotted riding an e-scooter in the local community whilst consuming a cannabis cigarette.


It is also worth reflecting, that anyone who causes serious harm to another person while riding an e-scooter can be prosecuted in the same way as if they were driving a car.


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Message Sent By
David Marley
(Police, PCSO, Derby South)

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