The Police
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Don't get caught out by door-to-door scammers

We've had reports in Harrogate just recently of people claiming to be ex-offenders who are just out of prison, selling household items like cleaning products on the doorstep.

Although some legitimate organisations will visit your home (such as gas, electricity and water companies, or charities seeking donations), you should never buy or sell anything on your doorstep. Door-to-door callers may be offering poor quality goods at inflated prices - or even gathering information for future crime.

Rogue traders may also knock on your door unannounced, claiming they have noticed damage, before offering to have a look for free as they have just finished a job nearby. But victims have found themselves thousands of pounds out of pocket due to poor workmanship or no work being carried out at all.

Always be on your guard when someone unknown calls at your door. Consider reporting any incidents to us via 101. If you feel threatened or intimidated by their behaviour, it's an emergency and you should dial 999. Consider also reporting rogue traders to Trading Standards, and contacting Citizens Advice for help and support.

The simple advice is to always say 'no' to cold callers. Share this with your neighbours too. If they don’t get any sales in your area, cold callers are less likely to return, which is better for everyone!

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Message Sent By
Jessica Bolam
(Police, PCSO, Harrogate Inner)

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