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Crime Data: Humberston and New Waltham Ward: March 2025

Dear Resident,


As a result of your calls for service, the following crime data is for March 2025 for both Humberston and New Waltham Ward.


Humberston Ward



There were forty-five reported crimes across the Humberston & New Waltham Ward for March. For Humberston these included: 

Domestic Burglary

  • During the early hours of 4th March, a garage at a property on Grimsby Road was broken into. A motorbike and two electric bikes were stolen. 
  • During the evening of 7th March, persons shone a torch into a chalet on the Humberston Fitties and attempted to gain entry. No entry was made. 
  • Between 10th & 12th March, a home on Coniston Crescent was broken into by smashing the patio doors. Jewellery was stolen. 
  • Between 10th & 17th March, a home on Buttermere Crescent was broken into by smashing the patio doors. Jewellery was stolen. 
  • Vehicle Crime

  • Just after midnight on 18th March, a vehicle parked on Glebe Road was attacked. A plastic door handle was broken, and a door lock snapped in an attempt to gain entry.
  • Criminal Damage

  • There were three reports of Criminal Damage. Two were at Tesco, the other was domestic related.                                                                                                                  
  • Other crime include

  • Five assaults. 
  • Four reports of harassment. 
  • One minor public order incident.                                                                                                     


    Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

    There were four reports of ASB. 

  • A male trespassing at a property on Humberston Avenue. 
  • Two reports of loud music, noise and gatherings on Humberston Fitties near the reserve. 
  • A homeless male causing issues outside Tesco. 

    New Waltham Ward



    There were forty-five reported crimes across the Humberston & New Waltham Ward for March. Of these, the following have occurred in New Waltham. 


    Residential Burglary

  • Overnight 8th & 9th March, intruders attempted to break into a garden shed at a property on Drury Lane. Despite breaking the lock and window no entry was gained. However, property was stolen from the garden. 
  • During the early morning of 25th March, intruders broke into a shed on Farmhouse Mews. The shed door was unscrewed and lifted away. Electric scooters, power washer and tools were stolen.
  • Vehicle Crime

  • Also, late on 3rd February, a male was seen on CCTV to try a door of a car parked on the drive on Station Road. No entry was gained. 
  • Overnight 25th & 26th February, a vehicle parked secure on its driveway on Drury Lane was stolen.                                                                                                                    
  • Criminal Damage

  • Youths caused damage to a garden fence on Holme Avenue. 
  • A domestic related criminal damage was also reported. 
  • Other crime include

  • Six assaults. 
  • Two reports of harassment. 
  • Three minor public order offences.                                                                                                    

    Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

    There have been three reports of ASB.

  • Two reports of the illegal riding of a motorbike around Beckland’s Avenue area. 
  • Butter was smeared over the play equipment at the Village Hall play area.                                                                                  
  • How you can help 

    Your local Neighbourhood Policing Team appreciates the importance of being in the right place, at the right time, for the right reasons to reassure the public, improve public confidence and reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area in which we all live and work. We encourage all residents to call and report any issues where they live so that we can deal with any issues and step up our patrols in the area. The number to call for non-emergency issues is 101.

    If you feel that there are other issues affecting you or your local community that should be given priority, please inform your local councillors or your Neighbourhood Policing Team

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    Kind Regards



    Cleethorpes Policing Team

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    Message Sent By
    David Cave
    (Humberside Police, Police Constable, Grimsby East)

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