National Community Engagement Conference
Hosted by Neighbourhood Alert and Humberside Police
We were delighted to be hosting the National Community Engagement Conference alongside Humberside Police
Please see the conference brochure here, with details of the speakers and an overivew of the Neighbourhood Alert system
This conference explored how using a public-facing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can help increase PUBLIC CONFIDENCE and how you can bolster ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP to help reduce demand on the police. With a decline in public confidence combined with publications including the Baroness Casey Report, the NPCCs Police Race Crime Action Plan and a Home Office push on campaigns including ‘Clear, Hold, Build’, there is an air of urgency for the police and partners to review and embed effective community engagement as a systemic cultural change to rebuild the principle of ‘policing by consent’.
With public services and policing resources continuing to be stretched, effective community engagement can sometimes be left to ‘when time permits’ rather than ‘essential must do’. With a community engagement system already in place across 31 police forces, this conference aimed to raise awareness, create debate and networking opportunities to enable police and partners to effectively utilise the tools already at their disposal.
Delivered by a range of speakers from the police, acclaimed academic institutions, and professional communication and engagement experts, the day provided an insightful overview of case studies overcoming challenges by effective community engagement. Humberside Police kindly offered to co-host the event in their new purpose-built facility. Humberside was rated ‘outstanding’ by HMICFRS for ‘engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect’ and ensuring that the ‘seldom heard’ are reached and actions taken. Public confidence has been monitored alongside this which has resulted in the public feeling respected and more confident in the police. VISAV sponsored this event, enabling it to be free for the public sector. Their Neighbourhood Alert product is used by 31 police forces along with National partners such as Action Fraud (NFIB), Get Safe Online and Neighbourhood Watch.
The conference took place on Tuesday 7th November in North Ferriby, Hull.
This conference was aimed at:
- Serving neighbourhood policing officers (all ranks)
- Police corporate communication personnel
- Police and Crime Commissioners and their officers
- Senior police officers responsible for public confidence and community engagement
- Lead officers for HMICFRS PEEL inspections
- Police ICT leads
- Community Safety Partnerships
- Crime prevention charities
- Public safety organisations
- Criminal justice organisations