Angela Money BEM, Chair of Newbury South West Neighbourhood Action Group/Community Forum

Angela was self-employed offering Secretarial and Administrative Services from home and working on contracts at local companies. She joined Thames Valley Police in 2003 as a Neighbourhood Watch Administrator working at Newbury Police Station and in 2007 decided to retire.
Angela is very involved with Neighbourhood Watch locally, also with the Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch Association as a Committee member representing West Berkshire. Angela became a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator in 1995 and now covers approx. 78 houses. Soon after she became the Area Co-ordinator and has been chairing the Neighbourhood Watch meetings at West Berkshire Council for over 22 years. 13 years ago, she became the Chair of Newbury South West Neighbourhood Action Group/Community Forum. Angela is also a Multi Scheme Administrator on the Alert system representing West Berkshire LPA.
During the time that she has been involved with Neighbourhood Watch, she has set up numerous street schemes, held public meetings, stands at local events, written articles for papers and magazines, set up Neighbourhood Watch Facebook Groups and Websites. Also given Radio and Television interviews including one recently on That’s Thames Valley Television advising on the various Coronavirus scams and is currently involved with the Newbury Community Hub helping to find Volunteers to do shopping, collect prescriptions, dog walking etc. Angela is also now giving Scams/Fraud talks to elderly and vulnerable groups and is registered as a Scams Champion.
Angela told us, "I became involved with Neighbourhood Watch following an attempted burglary of our property approximately 25 years ago and always give information when doing talks about how the burglar managed to get into our house and precautions that they should take. After this incident, we certainly tightened up on our security and do not leave any tools outside as entry was gained by taking a garden trowel out of the greenhouse and forcing a window open.
I am totally dedicated to Neighbourhood Watch and it has always been my aim to make the area a safer place to live and work by giving crime prevention advice and trying to prevent residents becoming victims of crime."
Angela’s photo was taken at her Neighbourhood Watch stand at a local Volunteering event in Newbury.
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