Clive Stewart, Chairman & Secretary, Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association

This way we can make contact to “approve” their membership and give them support with items and funding as appropriate e.g. Streets signs, wheelie bin stickers, members guides, window stickers, local newsletters.
In addition, I can see easily those new registrations which need “approval” under Scheme Management. We can “control” what happens in in Essex as long as we can see who has registered their new groups and then ensure they have local support at all times and, of course, we inform Essex Police of the growth of Neighbourhood Watch.”
How it began
“I have been involved with Neighbourhood Watch for over 25 years locally (not as long as many in the UK I am sure as it started in 1982) and fifteen years ago was employed by Essex Police to manage Neighbourhood Watch in Braintree District. In the first three years I increased membership from 13,000 to 25,000.
Just over ten years ago I retired from Essex Police and within a few months became Secretary and then Vice Chairman (after a year) of Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association. Six years ago, I became Chairman (and re-elected Secretary) of ECNWA and also was elected Chairman and Treasurer of Braintree District Neighbourhood Watch Steering Group.
Why did I become so involved with Neighbourhood Watch?
Well I do believe that Neighbourhood Watch helps to reduce the opportunity of crime and just as importantly reduces the fear of crime too.
We receive information from Essex Police, The Office of Police Fire & Crime Commissioner, Victim Support and Crimestoppers to distribute to all our members totalling over 140,000 in Essex (yes, I am sure not as many as many other Associations in the UK). We also distribute any advice from Essex Police on how to protect personal property and we encourage all our members to help those who may feel vulnerable (whatever their age) to do the same.
The more I know what features are available in Alert database the more I like it and, most weeks, I find there is always something new and useful.
This helps me in my role as Chairman especially as in 2020 the Association is celebrating its 25th. Anniversary and also, I have created special badges that celebrate the 25 years plus new very large members badges (4.5 cm) which are only available from ourselves in Essex to help raise the profile of Neighbourhood Watch.”
Clive is pictured with the Deputy Chief Constable, Pippa Mills, when he handed her a copy of their Essex County Neighbourhood Watch Association members Guide created in 2019.
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