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Over a year of Operation Venture: Making a serious impact on violence in GM 

Greater Manchester Police is celebrating the successes achieved by Operation Venture as it celebrates being in place for over 12 months. The team are dedicated to tackling violence, particularly that involving younger people, and with a focus on knife crime.

Operation Venture supports the work of the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) – a multi-agency team that seeks to prevent violence by addressing the underlying causes. A key part of the work of the VRU involves educating those who might be at risk of re-offending and as a result of this the VRU commission and support a number of education programmes.

Utilising data and hotspot areas, the results tell the story and success for themselves:

·  452 arrests

·  942 intelligence submissions to help investigations

·  130 weapons seized including knives and firearms

·  168 weapons sweeps of key locations to search for disposed items

·  430 total positive stop searches

·  £250,000+ cash seized

·  191 partnership referrals to services to support young people and families

·  218 disruption visits to prevent crime from escalating

·  58 vehicle seizures linked to crime, no insurance or valid licence


Find out more here: Over a year of Operation Venture: Making a serious impact on violence in GM | Greater Manchester Police (gmp.police.uk)


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