The Police
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Some good news (finally!)

Good afternoon,


This afternoon your Local Neighbourhood Policing Team based at Acomb, have been able to reunite 2 victims of bicycle theft, with their bicycles following investigations. 


Can I please take this moment to remind you of the importance of security marking your bicycle? 


This is where North Yorkshire Police use a machine known as 'Dot Peen' to engrave the house number and postcode of the owner, into the bicycle, in such a place where it is very difficult to spot (but we know where it is!) 

This enables us to reunite victims with their bicycles, should we locate them and upon checking locate the unique marks. 


The next load of property marking events this side of York are as follows: 


Friday 19th April - 1500-1700 at York High School / Energise 

Saturday 27th April - 1000-1200 at Lindsey Avenue Housing Office 

Thursday 16th May - 1530-1730 at York College

Saturday 29th June - 1000-1200 at Acomb Library 


Many thanks


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Message Sent By
Nathan Brigham
(Police , PCSO, Acomb, York)

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