The Police
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Upcoming Event

Dear Resident,


We hope you are well. Can you believe that it is April already? This year seems to be flying by!

With the lighter evenings and hopefully, better weather, our outdoor events will be starting up again.


We will be attending the Easter Event at THE ARC COMMUNITY HUB, KNOX ROAD on SATURDAY 6th APRIL 2024 at 12-3pm. We will be bringing along our Bike Register Kit and will be working alongside B-Buddies who are a non-profitable charity that will be a offering free bike maintenance service. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING YOUR BICYCLES!


The Police Firearms Team will also be joining us too! 


This is also a great opportunity to meet the local beat team, including our latest member, PC Amelia, to receive crime prevention advice and discuss local issues.


If you are not able to make this event, you can also catch PCSO Clare at THE ARC COMMUNITY HUB on TUESDAY 9th APRIL at 10-12pm.


We look forward to seeing you :)


The Beat Team 

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Message Sent By
Clare Miller
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6173, Charnwood )

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