The Police
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Criminal Damage


This child's bike was vandalised by a group of youths on The Range car park, Beatrice Street on 28/06/24 at 20:00 approx, it was then thrown into a trolley bay window causing it to smash.  We have CCTV footage which shows the offence taking place and hopefully the offenders brought to justice quickly, we would like to trace the owner of the bike if possible too. 


If you witnessed the incident taking place and have any information relating to the offenders, you witnessed the damage taking place and would be willing to provide a statement or knowledge of the bike/owner please get in contact by calling 101 

Ref, 00142_I_29062024 or contact oswestryc.snt@westmercia.police.uk


Many Thanks

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Message Sent By
Andy Neeves
(West Mercia Police, PCSO, Oswestry Central SNT)

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