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Leicestershire Police leads national campaign to remind football fans: ‘scores are settled on the pitch’

Leicestershire Police promotes its Walk Away campaign during the European Championships 2024.

Leicestershire Police has led forces across the country to share an important reminder for football fans during the European Championship tournament this summer.

A campaign which aims to reduce violence and ‘one punch murders’ has been rolled out across England and Wales ahead of and during the Euros this summer.

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Violence is thought to increase during football tournaments as people come together in busy pubs and bars to watch games, often consuming more alcohol than normal.

Research shows that most incidents are caused by small triggers, something as basic as an error in judgement, a spilled drink, or a rude comment.

The ‘Walk Away’ campaign aims to equip football fans with practical steps they can take, when safe to do so, to de-escalate a heated situation, including:

  • A quick apology on behalf of a friend can help clear up a misunderstanding before things get heated

  • If someone is squaring up or escalating tensions, take them away from the environment to calm down, try to make eye contact when talking them down.

  • If things are getting out of hand, seek help from event or bar staff. In an emergency always call 999.

  • Leicestershire Police’s Assistant Chief Constable, Adam Streets shares the following video in which he encourages those celebrating the tournament to cheer on their team safely by walking away from situations if they become heated. Adam reminds us of the devastating consequences throwing a single punch can have, including the victim, the victim’s families, and the offender.


    Policing plans will be in place across the county to patrol busy town centres on match days. In addition, Leicestershire Police has been working in partnership with licensed premises, supported by national guidance, to ensure bar and event staff are well prepared to keep people safe.

    Chief Constable Mark Roberts, NPCC lead for Football Policing, said: “Football brings us together, and it should be a cause for celebration and comradery.

    “We need the support of football fans to stop heightened emotion and tensions spilling out of the pitch and into mindless violence in our communities.

    “Split second decisions made in the heat of the moment can have devastating, lifelong impact on everyone involved. Take heed of the message and walk away from violence.”

    Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association: “Whether you’re there to watch the football, enjoy some live music, or just a night out with friends, a visit to the pub should be about creating great memories in a safe and inclusive space.

    “Walk Away provides a strong message along with simple steps for all pub-goers that might find themselves in a situation that needs de-escalating. We hope this campaign helps to create memorable nights out, for all the right reasons.”

     Further information for editors:

  • The campaign was designed alongside the behaviour change agency Magpie.

  • Officers from the Leicestershire Police’s Violence and Complex Crime Unit and the Corporate Communications departments developed and tested the campaign with a creative behaviour change agency Magpie prior to the national launch.

  • Campaign website https://wewalkaway.uk

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    Natalie Goodall
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6086, Harborough and Wigston )

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