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Abbey Ward Beat Priorities

Good Afternoon


Please find the following priorities we have had as a beat team, and how we have achieved them.

We will continue to address issues raised to us by members of the public on The Abbey Ward.


Priority –

Persons driving illegal scooters committing traffic offences and Anti Social Behaviour.

Issued 21 March 2024


We did:

Increased marked and unmarked patrols around hotspots resulting in seizures, warnings issued and education around legislation.

Actioned 24 June 2024


Priority -

Drug use and Anti Social Behaviour.

Issued 21 March 2024


We did:

Partnership working with Leicester City Council has resulted in properties being secured reducing drug use and Anti Social Behaviour in the locality. Regular visits have been completed at these addresses to prevent reoccurrence.

Actioned 24 June 2024


Priority –

Drug dealers using the Abbey Rise to supply Class A drugs.

Issued 21 March 2024


We Did:

Officers have completed intelligence led warrants and stop checks of vehicles on the Abbey beat recently targeting individuals. This has resulted in a number of warrants executed and stop checks which has resulted in a number of arrests and enquiries continue into these offences. Officers are completing marked, unmarked patrols on the beat to disrupt offenders and bringing offenders to justice.

Actioned 24 June 2024


Kindest Regards,

PCSO Abby 6088


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Message Sent By
Abigail Whitmore
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6088, West Leicester)

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