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Vegicle Crime - Watling Street, Wall. Saturday 29.06.24

Staffordshire Police received a report of the theft of money and keys from a black Range Rover on Saturday 29.06.24.

The offending vehicle, a white 

Hyundai, VRM begining FV18, arrived at the carpark of the Trouper Inn, Watling Street Wall, at 12:59 and left 3 minutes later. The vehicle was damaged as the offenders forced entry to the car.  If anyone has any information about this incident, please contact Staffordshire Police on 101, or via the Staffordshire Police website and quote incident 418 of 29.06.24.  Thank you. 

PCSO 25049 Andrea Horsnall

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PCSO Horsnall
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, South Lichfield - St John's, Boley Park; Shenstone Stonnall and Little Aston, including Hilton, Wall and Little Hay)

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