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End of 6 Community Update Edgbaston

Priority Response:  


This week, our officers have been actively assisting colleagues with outstanding priority logs and priority investigation logs. By addressing these priority issues promptly, we aim to reduce overall demand and ensure that our community receives swift and effective responses. Our team is dedicated to providing timely assistance to those in need and maintaining a high level of service. 




Our officers have been diligently investigating numerous crime reports throughout the week. Each case has been carefully reviewed, with significant progress made in several investigations. Many crime reports have been resolved, ensuring that the investigative process is both thorough and expeditious. We are committed to delivering justice and maintaining public safety by bringing offenders to account and providing closure to victims. 




Edgbaston officers have conducted extensive patrols within the constituency to prevent and deter criminal activities. Noteworthy patrol areas include the Waterworks Estate, where increased visibility has been aimed at discouraging potential offenders. Additionally, we have prioritised patrols along the Hagley Road corridor and surrounding streets, focusing on tackling vehicle crime. Our proactive approach in these hotspot areas aims to reduce incidents and enhance community safety. 


This week, officers successfully arrested a problematic male on the Waterworks Estate, who was subsequently put before the court. The court's decision resulted in the individual receiving a fine. Moving forward, officers will continue to actively engage with and support the individual involved, ensuring ongoing oversight and intervention. This approach aims to address any underlying issues and prevent further incidents, fostering a safer community environment. 




PCSOs have recently conducted two Community Speedwatch patrols on Augustus Road and Richmond Hill Road in response to community concerns about speeding in these areas. These patrols are instrumental in addressing and mitigating speeding issues, enhancing road safety for both residents and pedestrians. By involving the community in these initiatives, we not only raise awareness about the dangers of speeding but also foster a sense of shared responsibility in maintaining safe neighbourhood streets. We encourage residents to continue highlighting any additional areas where speeding is a concern, as this collective effort is vital for our ongoing commitment to improving community safety. 




Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) have successfully conducted joint patrols with Streetwatch volunteers this set, fostering a collaborative approach to community safety. These patrols have enhanced community presence and visibility, effectively deterring potential criminal activity and antisocial behaviour. The engagement between PCSOs and Streetwatch volunteers has strengthened community-police relations, built trust, and encouraged community involvement in maintaining safety. Additionally, the combined knowledge and resources of PCSOs and volunteers have enabled more effective identification and resolution of local issues. This partnership has not only boosted public confidence but also empowered residents to take an active role in safeguarding their neighbourhoods. 




Following extensive inquiries into the theft from St Augustine's Church in Edgbaston (case number 20/572880/24), a potential suspect has been identified and subsequently arrested by Edgbaston officers. The suspect has been interviewed and bailed pending further inquiries. The officer in charge of the case, PC REA 27135, is continuing to make additional inquiries to ensure a thorough investigation. The community's support remains invaluable as we work towards resolving this case. 


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colette hughes
(WM Police, PCSO, BWGB, Edgbaston )

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