The Police
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Community Alert Message

Good Morning

I hope this email finds you all well. It has been brought to my attention by several members of the public with the following concerns.

Apologies in advance as I know this email is not intended to everyone, I would like to remind those who take their pet dogs out when they either go shopping or stop at a local convenience store/post office etc intending to be only a few minutes and easily distracted losing track of time and forgetting their pet dog was left in the vehicle in the hot weather.

We would like to remind you if this is brought to our attention and we witness that your beloved pet is stressed, we will use any means necessary to rescue the stressed animal, leaving you with the damage and lots of explain to do.

I have also been approached both by farmers and dog walkers/ Ramblers, punlhc rightfully are taking advantage and enjoying our lovely Northants countryside who have come across dog poo bags scattered around the fields and walkways, please be mindful this is harmful for Farm animals if digested and can cause serious health issues and even death.

Please do take time to reflect on this email, I can only stress the valid concerns that public bring to our attention, let’s all be mindful and respectful, with small changes as having dogs on the lead when animals are grazing on the field or closing  farm gates when going through and taking your poo bags back home only are responsible action and has a huge impact on our environment and everyone’s lifestyle.

I would also like to remind everyone, In an Emergency and or  life-threatening Incidents, please immediately dial 999

Alternatively, you may wish to report this or any other crime anonymously, via Crime-Stoppers 24/7 on 0800555111

In Order to improve our community messages, Northamptonshire Police continues to review its working practices in order to deliver a quality service that you as a member of the public would expect to receive, could I ask if you spare a moment and rate this message at the bottom of the email with a thumbs up or down.

Kind Regards

Your Local Policing Team

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Message Sent By
Arthur Pereira
(Northamptonshire Police, PCSO, EN5 East Northants)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials