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Newsletter from Peterborough Neighbourhood watch Association July 2024



   Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch Association

25 July 2024


It was in 1992, now our 32nd anniversary last month, that we kicked off the Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch Association,  in the June that year. It was set up because the police were struggling to manage the scheme with such popularity and high numbers. Do you recognise anyone in the photo?


The scourge of illicit drugs in and around us all, from the sight of drug misusers causing mayhem and anti social behaviour in our streets and parks to highly suspect cars loitering in our communities. It affects so many. Attached you will find a copy of a Advice on responding to street drugs for communities and you neighbourhood watch members.  So if you can try and respond to help tackle the problems and help get the drugs and offenders off our streets. The Guide is a joint Police/Neighbourhood Watch paper.

Remember, even if its just your suspicions please make sure you report it. Make sure you tell the police you're neighbourhood watch.


                        Thirty eight villagers over at Ailsworth signed up recently for their Ailsworth Village Neighbourhood Watch. The whole village have come together and have joined the Association.                                 

Village coordinator Charles, taking centre stage in this photograph in partnership with villagers John on the right and Jonathan on the left. 9 streets signs were kindly donated through the Ailsworth Parish Council. Charles said, “ We have set up a Whatsapp group and now with more villagers getting to know each other its should be a great neighbour network alone.”




You can now share your concerns with your local neighbourhood policing team direct by scanning the QR code shown on this leaflet called Share Your Concerns.  Those long established issues that never seem to get sorted. You don't have to leave your name. This is not for reporting crime, replacing 999 and 101.  Scan the code with your smart phone and get the survey page straight away. 

If you don't tell them they wont know so can't respond. A copy of this flyer is also available via attachment. Please make sure you share this far and wide,


We have a vacancy for a volunteer Association secretary. This is an interesting role to help us keep organised, help with minutes and agendas and taking notes. Are you good at note taking, can you use your own computer to at least basic level? Experience is preferred. You would be on line, have your own pc/lap top, mainly work at home, attend meetings, meeting new people etc. Interested please give Alan Paul a call on 074 74 002 392 or e mail at  info@nwpeterborough.co.uk


There are a few spaces left on the Association's Action Group, we need coordinator representation from the villages, the Ortons and eastern Peterborough.


As we are in the holiday season don't forget to use your good neighbour to keep an eye on things while you are away and don't forget to set up timers, lights. etc to make your home look occupied while your off on your travels.. Please don't put photos and stories about your break while you are still on holiday on social media leave it until you get home. Don't give the game away that your home is empty while your taking that break.


Do enjoy the remainder of the summer


Alan Paul

NW Peterborough


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Message Sent By
Alan Paul
(NWN - Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch Association, MSA, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough)

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