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Gift Card Fraud - Trigger Fraud Alert #13 (July 2024)


Gift Card Fraud

We have been informed by Humberside Police that fraudsters are contacting people via email at work impersonating managers / CEO's of organisations. The fraudster will ask the victim (employee) to go to nearest supermarket and purchase gift vouchers. The reasons differ but the fraudster impersonating the manager/CEO may be in a meeting and need the vouchers that day for their customers/sponsors/staff incentive. The victim (employee) will attend the supermarket, physically purchase the gift vouchers, and send the redemption codes via email or WhatsApp to the fraudster.   


Fraudsters obtain employee details from social media platforms and research the company making the emails they send appear real. Please check and ensure it is a genuine request.


If you have been a victim and lost money, call 101 and report it.


Visit fraudwatch.org.uk for more information about fraud and where to get support.


You can also sign up to receive future alerts at alerts.fraudwatch.org.uk.


Find out more about impersonation fraud on the Take Five website here.


View the full alert on the FraudWatch Website here


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Message Sent By
Devan Witter BEM
(Humberside Police, FraudWatch Project Coordinator and Community Safety Volunteer, Community Safety Unit)

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