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Quorn Burglary

Dear Residents,

There has been a recent burglary reported in Quorn. Occupants of the targeted address were away and it is believed that the burglars may have been after car keys. Please report any suspicious activity to police and for crime prevention advice and tips to help keep your home more secure visit www.leics.polic.uk 

Burglar facts

  • Burglars target homes that they think will contain valuables. A sure giveaway is leaving packaging from expensive items outside your front door

  • Burglars often look for homes with windows or doors left open or with vulnerable features that they can exploit.

  • Burglars are aware of the times when someone is expected to be away from their house such as during the school run or holidays 

  • Burglars typically do not want to be seen or heard and if they feel that they would be noticed by a neighbour or passerby then they are more likely to feel exposed and may move on to find somewhere else to burgle 

  • Burglars often choose a home because they’ve spotted a specific vehicle, motorcycle or bicycle they want to steal – and the keys are more than likely to be inside the residence

  • Sheds and garages are often vulnerable as they are not that secure and contain tools which the burglar can use to assist them to gain entry to a home

  • It’s a fact that many burglars return to homes that they’ve previously burgled because the homeowner failed to upgrade security following the first burglary. They sometimes return to an area to try to burgle a nearby home that they spotted while committing a previous break in. Even more reason for you to ensure you keep your home as safe as houses


    Kind Regards,


    NL56 Beat Team


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    Message Sent By
    Jade Martin
    (Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6144, Charnwood)

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