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Burglary Residential Home - Police log 199 of 27/8 - Upper St John Street - Lichfield

Good Afternoon All,


It has been reported to Staffordshire Police on 27/8 that there has been an attempted burglary at Upper St John Street. This incident occurred between 26/8-27/8 at 21:30 hrs and 10.30am. The Suspect/s had attacked the lock at the rear door by climbing over a gate. It is believed the Suspect/s may have been attempting to steal the keys for the BMW. 


If anyone has any information to the above incident then please contact CrimeStoppers or call 101 quoting reference number 199 of 27/8. We shall be increasing patrols in the area and it is advised to secure gates with padlocks and invest in extra security lighting as well as steering locks.




PCSO 28238 Orwin

Staffordshire Police


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Message Sent By
Racheal Orwin
(Staffordshire Police, PCSO, Lichfield)

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