The Police
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Rochdale Pennines Neighbourhood Team Result - 21/08/24

Good afternoon everyone,


An update from your neighbourhood team:


On Wednesday 21st August, after receiving multiple reports from the public, we carried out a dangerous dog warrant in the Newbold area. The intelligence passed by the public included drug use at an address as well as a dangerous dog of a banned breed. 


After attending the address ourselves with a warrant, we had the dog assessed by a dog unit. Fortunately the dog was not a banned breed and the owner was allowed to keep the dog. The house was searched for drugs and once again no drugs were found. Whilst at the address we were able to safeguard a vulnerable adult. This person was referred to our safeguarding team who are providing him with the support he needs.


Without your reports, this vulnerable adult would have been overlooked. 


Please continue to make reports via 101 or 999 in an emergency or anonymously using Crimestoppers.


Kind regards,
The Pennines Neighbourhood Team (PC 01202, PC 18221, PC 07920 and PS 13233)


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PC Bulbulia
(Police, Police Officer, Rochdale Neighbourhood)

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