The Police
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Burglary Alert

Good afternoon,


We have received a report of an attempt Burglary on Seaford Road, Harwood. This occurred between 03:00Hrs-03:15Hrs on the 23/08/2024. 


CCTV shows that there is  2 unknown offenders in dark clothing trying to break into houses, more than likely to steal vehicles. When offender have made off they have ran and got into a vehicle that made off towards Broadstone Road,/Hulme Road vehicle is possibly a BMW 1 series (Likely to be blue).


We have received another report of 2 males trying to break into houses and look into vehicles again on Seaford Road, this occurred between 01:05Hrs - 01:20Hrs. They have made off in the same direction and made off in possibly a VW Golf.


If you have any CCTV then could you please check to see if these possible offenders have been captured. 


Officers will be out in the area conducting further enquiries. Can I please remind everyone to lock all windows and doors especially of an evening time and to report anything suspicious in the area.


Kind regards


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Message Sent By
Daniel Worthington
(Greater Manchester Police, Police Community Support Officer, Bolton North - Bromley Cross & Bradshaw)

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