Neighbourhood Watch
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Digital Voice is coming to your town

Hi   Resident Neighbourhood Watch and British Telecom have teamed up to provide an important public service to provide volunteers to meet the public and answer frequently asked questions about the planned change over to digital telephone lines which is due over the coming year. If more technical questions are raised then contact web sites and phone numbers will be sign- posted. This event is one of many that will be held in the coming months will further dates to be released in other parts of the County when confirmed.

These events are open to everyone- you do not need to be a member of Neighbourhood Watch and no appointments are needed. Just turn up between the times stated in the poster below.


If you have any questions regarding this initiative you can contact me on:






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Message Sent By
Mike Onassis
(NHW, Deputy Chair, Area Coordinator and Cyberhood Watch Ambassador, Norfolk, Police Area, Breckland)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials