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Police: Update on shifts

Good afternoon Rutland North,


Yesterday marked my return to work after having a couple of weeks off for some much needed annual leave. So apologies for the radio silence recently but this is the reason.


So far, it’s very much been a case of catching up on what’s been happening, contacting people and progressing investigations related to my personal case load, as well as responding to many enquiries that have been sent to my inbox whilst I’ve been off.


But in between this, I have been out and about in your community. Some of what I have been up to over the past couple of days includes (but is not limited to):


A welfare check on a vulnerable person.


An emergency response to the train station for a theft in progress – British Transport Police are now leading this investigation.

Emergency response to a vehicle in a ditch, everything all in order.


And, an emergency response to the A1 for a 28 tonne crane that had a puncture and needed lane closures so that a new tyre could be fitted safely. Apologies if you were caught up in the traffic today, we worked as quickly as we could and kept things moving as much as possible.


Road safety is one of the three neighbourhood beat priorities for the Rutland North and other beat areas in Rutland. This includes providing a quick response to traffic incidents when they do occur.


I will soon be putting together the Rutland North monthly newsletter, as you will know by being signed up, this is sent out at the start of each month on Neighbourhood Link. There’s still time for those that you may know who could benefit, (friends, family), to sign up and receive this months newsletter, as well as having your say on the beat priorities for your area by completing the surveys. You can share this email with others using the link below and complete surveys as well:




Thank you.


PC 1049 Jake Spruce 👮🏻‍♂️ 
Rutland North 




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Message Sent By
Jake Spruce
(Leicestershire Police, PC 1049, Melton and Rutland)

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