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Community Safety News

Update from the Castle and Priory, Russell’s Hall/Milking Bank Neighbourhood Policing Team


Dear Residents,


We are continuing to target criminals, illegal drivers, those involved in violence and anti-social behaviour in Dudley Town Centre and within our local neighbourhoods.


What’s been happening


•      Neighbourhood Team Operations


Officers have successfully worked in conjunction with our specialist Guardian Officers in the Dudley Town location and have achieved multiple positive stop and searches and arrested three males in relation to under 25’s serious youth violence. Officers will continue these patrols at peak times during school/college hours to ensure members of the community are kept safe.


•      Dudley Town Centre


Officers continue to carry out high visibility patrols within the hot spots on Dudley Town Centre.   We have introduced additional targeted patrols to tackle anti-social behaviour at specific times. 


Officers have been issuing Traffic Offence Reports within the Dudley Town Centre for driving offences and several vehicles have been seized as a result of no insurance and no tax. 


•      High Visibility Patrols


Officers whilst on patrol within the Russell’s Hall Housing Estate have encountered a vehicle which has been linked to local burglary offences – this vehicle was stopped and two males ran from officers, both males were detained and Court Appearance now awaits. 


•      You Said – We did

We were made aware by the local community that there had been an increase in vehicle crime within the Attingham Drive area of Dudley and as a result one male has been arrested and charged with multiple offences and Court Results await.


A big thank you to; 


All of our Partner Agencies to include Dudley Premises Licensing, Dudley Council Fleet & Licensing and Trading Standards. 


If you have any intelligence which you wish to share with us, please email:




LPA - Dudley Central Team 2

‘Working in partnership, making communities safer’          

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Message Sent By
Ange Perry
(Police, PCSO, Dudley Central Team 2 Castle and Priiory)

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