The Police
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There has been an increase in burglaries and attempted burglaries from the early evenings to late at night with suspects trying peoples front doors to gain access or trying to break into the properties from the rear. With Christmas fast approaching and the darker evenings arriving quickly please secure your properties. If you have a chain for your front door don't forget to use it and if you don't have a chain consider one for the front and back door. If you don't have sensor lights consider installing them front and back and if you do but the bulbs are not working change them. Make sure any CCTV cameras are working properly and any garages and sheds have decent locks and padlocks. Property mark any expensive items that you own and record any serial numbers of your property and consider any other crime prevention methods like Smart Water. Smart Water a unique property marking crime prevention tool and well worth considering getting. If you see or hear anything suspicious or perhaps vehicles that are acting also in a suspicious manner please ring 101 or 999 if it's an emergency. 

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Message Sent By
Mark Williamson
(Leicestershire Police, PCSO 6515, West Leicester)

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